
O-LaSer has not been updated in a long time and should be considered unstable

(Other Language Server)

O-LaSer answers questions about regular languages, Other than independence properties questions.

Select what you wish to compute about the given language:

Edit (or Levenshtein) Distance

Does the language have exponential density?


Some References

[KoYo:2013] Stavros Konstantinidis, Joshua Young: Deciding the density type of a given regular language. In Jan Holub and Jan Zdarek (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2013 Prague Stringology Conference (PSC 2013), Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, Pages 21-34.

[KaKoKoYa:2013] Lila Kari, Stavros Konstantinidis, Steffen Kopecki, Meng Yang: An efficient algorithm for computing the edit distance of a regular language via input-altering transducers.

Format for Automata

One can use the Grail and FAdo formats for nondeterministic finite automata (those with nonempty transitions).
The format of FAdo files must be as follows:

  1. '#' begins a comment
  2. @NFA, or @DFA, begins a new automaton (and determines its type) and must be followed by the list of the final states separated by blanks
  3. Transitions are written one per line and consist of three fields separated by blanks: "state" "symbol" "new state"
  4. The source state of the first transition is the initial state.

Here is an example of an automaton accepting ab* using both, Grail and FAdo formats:

Grail:                  FAdo:
(START) |- 1            @NFA 2
1 a 2                   1 a 2
2 b 2                   2 b 2
2 -| (FINAL)

More examples follow:

Automaton accepting aaa(aaa)*b + aa(ba)*a(aa(ba)*a)*b:

Grail:                  FAdo:
(START) |- 1            @NFA 8
1 a 2                   1 a 2
2 a 3                   2 a 3
3 b 2                   3 b 2
3 a 4                   3 a 4
4 a 2                   4 a 2
4 b 8                   4 b 8
1 a 5                   1 a 5
5 a 6                   5 a 6
6 a 7                   6 a 7
7 a 5                   7 a 5
7 b 8                   7 b 8
8 -| (FINAL)

Automaton accepting ab + bba:

Grail:                  FAdo:
(START) |- 1            @NFA 3
1 a 2                   1 a 2
2 b 3                   2 b 3
1 b 4                   1 b 4
4 b 5                   4 b 5
5 a 3                   5 a 3
3 -| (FINAL)

Format for Transducers

In the new version of I-LaSer (as of June 2014), only the FAdo format of transducers is accepted, as the Grail-like format is not generally supported. Transducers must be in standard form, that is, having transitions of the form   p x y q, where p and q are states, and each of x and y is either a single alphabet symbol or the empty word. The empty word is written as @epsilon.

The format of transducer FAdo files must be as follows:
  1. '#' begins a comment.
  2. @Transducer begins a new transducer and must be followed by the list of the final states separated by blanks.
  3. Transitions are written one per line and must be in standard form as noted above.
  4. The source state of the first transition is the initial state.

Please see the FAdo documentation for the full description of Transducer format.

Here is an example of an input-altering transducer defining the suffix code property. The transducer returns the set of all proper suffixes of a given input word.

@Transducer 2 3
1 a @epsilon 2
1 b @epsilon 2
2 a @epsilon 2
2 b @epsilon 2
2 a a 3
2 b b 3
3 a a 3
3 b b 3

More examples below:

Input-preserving transducer defining the 1-sid error-detecting property. On input w, the transducer returns all words resulting by performing at most one symbol substitution/insertion/deletion operation on w.

@Transducer 0 1
0 a a 0
0 b b 0
0 a b 1
0 b a 1
0 a @epsilon 1
0 b @epsilon 1
0 @epsilon a 1
0 @epsilon b 1
1 a a 1
1 b b 1

Input-altering transducer defining the thin property (those languages whose words are of different lengths). On input w, the transducer returns all words of the same length as w, but different from w.

@Transducer 2
1 a a 1
1 b b 1
1 a b 2
1 b a 2
2 a a 2
2 b b 2
2 a b 2
2 b a 2

Format for Trajectory Sets

Regular trajectory sets can be described via regular expressions or automata over {0,1}. For regular expressions, one can use FAdo format. For finite automata (those with nonempty transitions), one can use the Grail or FAdo format.

Here is an example of an automaton accepting the language described by the regular expression 1*0*, which defines the suffix code property.

Grail:                  FAdo:
(START) |- 1            @NFA 1 2
1 0 1                   1 0 1
1 1 2                   1 1 2
2 1 2                   2 1 2
1 -| (FINAL)
2 -| (FINAL)

More examples below:

Automaton accepting 1*0*1*, which defines the infix code property.

Grail:                  FAdo:
(START) |- 1            @NFA 1 2 3
1 1 1                   1 1 1
1 0 2                   1 0 2
2 0 2                   2 0 2
2 1 3                   2 1 3
3 1 3                   3 1 3
1 -| (FINAL)
2 -| (FINAL)
3 -| (FINAL)